Mistaken Identity: Doctor Doom

Sometimes comic-book characters end up having the same name, and that can happen for a number of reasons: 1. It’s a coincidence and couldn’t have been avoided. 2. The creators didn’t check. 3. The creators didn’t care. The first one definitely happened with Dennis the Menace, with both versions of the character launched in the … Continue reading Mistaken Identity: Doctor Doom

Altered Images: From the Pit of Forgottenness… Fyre of London!

In days of yore I regularly contributed articles and such to fanzines and other small-press publications, and The Brentford Mercury -- the fanzine of Sproutlore, the Robert Rankin Appreciation Society -- was one of the most frequent recipients of my yammerings. Among my contributions to the Mercury was a short series of spoof comics and … Continue reading Altered Images: From the Pit of Forgottenness… Fyre of London!